I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm sleeping all the time. I mean atleast 15 hours a day. And when I'm awake, all I do is think about my next siesta. It's the only way to combat boredom. Ma doesn't get it, when I say I want to get out. She told me "oi toh, shedini gele bondhur barite".
Bondhur Barite is not where I want to go. I just want to take a train, plane, bus, gari, trailer, ship, boat, ANYTHING and GET OUT. Anywhere, but here.
Calcutta grows on you. You learn to live with the eclectic and emotional. You don't particularly like everything that goes on around you, but this is a place you like to miss...a place you like to keep coming back to. We Bangalis are crazy. Especially we, the post-independence, post 70s, aimless Bangalis. When it pleases us, we call the state stagnant, overltly Marxist, a state full of ideologies and nothing more. And again, depending on the weather, and our day at work, we call it consumerist, corrupt, moving towards oposhongshkriti. All over a steaming cuppa tea and
telebhaja. I wonder when we'll stop pointing from the stands...with a cycnical smile and disapproving click and nod of the head... I wonder.
I'll be honest. I am an escapist. Very rarely do I debate, argue or interfere. It just pleases me to know that, some people can make a difference... some people have the guts, not just to point, but get down there and DO things. Keep motivating us, 'cause God knows this city of cynical intellectuals needs it. I need it.
But I need to get out now. Really really. "
Tomra ki jano. Kokhono line diye ticket ketecho? Shobi toh baba-kakar khatnite beche acho. Tomra ki jano....eii...kichu mone korle na toh?"
Yeah...I need to get away from that for a little while.