Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Fucken place. The past two days felt like school because we got back home by early evening. We were packed off like good little children because of the riots and everything. But nothing ever happens here, where we stay, because it’s made up of deadness and dust. Hah. Sounds so silly. Deadness and dust. Like P’s notes in English classes. If there was ever a place that came close to Eliot’s Wasteland, this would be it.

They took away the dogs from Hira’s. Hardy, Whoopie and the pretty one with the hazel eyes and dainty legs. She was my favourite. Whom did they bother anyway? Idiots.
I miss home. I want to curl up on my bed and sleep. I hate this place. I can't even gather up the energy to rant man. Fuck it all.



Blogger Karan Rajpal said...

The dogs are not gone. They've moved into the wilderness side since the road construction started. They come back in the evening. If you don't see them, there are some just a little ahead of Kothari.. Don't be so gone. :-)

6:26 PM  

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