Monday, January 28, 2008

Today Sudu and I cleaned out the third cupboard where we stock our food and stuff. It's not like we wanted to, but had to, because rum had leaked and the cupboard was stinking like a alcoholic, hence. I saw my first ever Marathi play today - it was a play reading - Harold Pinter's Betrayal - and though I didn't get the language - I got the modulations, the expressions - and shit, they were brilliant. And I couldn't complain about the fact that one of the readers happened to be pretty hot - in a very hulky kind of way - and we get to shoot him for our documentary - yay! The past few days were fun - yesterday there was a quiz thing, which I kinda-sorta helped with - and I was remembering the school days when quizzes were taken very seriously, just like everything else. Yesterday was a complete antithesis of those days. We all seemed so wasted - like we were not quite there - but still kinda having fun. Oh ML, I wish I could give you a hug yesterday - but I settled for a clammy handshake instead. You were good fun, I promise. I sometimes get scared that you'll think I'm patronizing you. But even if you do, there's not much I can do about it is it?


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