February and yellow skies
Do they have yellow skies in February? Maybe in April or May.... during the Kalboishakhis.I love yellow skies like crazy. I remember a wonderful wonderful evening, when all the trees in our little neighbourhood were being trimmed, and there were heaps and heaps of green leaves scattered all over the place. I was cycling amidst these fallen leaves and there was a great big yellow sky above me. I remember stopping to tell someone how much I loved it, right there and then.
I love monsoon. I wish it was monsoon in February. But then again, I don't know. There wouldn't be that excitement of putting on the fan, after a really long time. Or that spring is here feeling. That exam-morning feeling. There's something special about that.
Sometimes when I wake up, I wish I could see trees, a lake and lots of sunshine. But I never want to go back there now. It wouldn't be the same. But I still keep wishing. And sometimes, when I'm bleary eyed, and not-quite-awake, I hear the pots and pans clanging in Jaya didis bari and Baba reading the newspaper aloud in the "nook" and I see the trees, the lake, the sunshine. Sometimes I even hear that goddamn kokeel. But it's just a cheel. Screeching atop my air conditioner vent...and a concrete jungle and an empty swimming pool that lies beyond my grill-less window.
Maybe years later, I'll hear that cheel, I'll hear a train's whistle...I'll see a foggy blue sky. But as of now...I see and hear only these. And wish for yellow skies, monsoon and February.