Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Life through a Lens

I have new clothes now. I haven't had new clothes in a long time. They're going to last me the next 16 years.
Yesterday there was a shingding happening. I didn't go, because I felt lazy. But then, something good came out of it.
There have been incidents in my life that can be summed up best by a particular Yahoo emoticon - you know the one that blushes outrageously and wants to hide its face in the sand like an ostritch? Yeah, that. This one was 3 -4 years ago - at what can easily be called my first, ahem, date. So for my first ever date, I took along two of my friends, I dressed like a retard and the first words I uttered were - "Please don't tell me things like I look fat in this T-shirt". Kill me, like right now. It got progressively weirder and my friends just giggled and had nothing much to say. And I just went on waving my hands and baring my teeth and speaking utter bull. Social skills, were clearly not my forte. I am so ashamed of the way I behaved that entire day and I wasn't even drunk. But anyway, we kept in touch, only fleetingly (surprise, surprise) , and then, last night we spoke for two whole hours and finally laughed about it. And he was awfully nice.
It's funny, I don't know what gives me the guts - but I just feel like saying it - I felt like I missed my chance to be with someone really nice, warm and funny. We always had so much to talk about. I dunno where it all went. Anyway, at least now, I'll be able to look him in the eye and not wither away and die in embarrassment! I might initially, but then that I do with most people. I have a terrible history of FMS.
V is the only guy I've been connected to (for dearth of better words) who has no inclination towards music. The first time we ever spoke, was about music - he wanted to listen to what I was listening to - and Tracy Chapman's Change has never quite been the same since. But he's not into music at all. He asked me later on, whether I was some kind of "music freak", to which I didn't know what to say. Anyway he's weird. He's one of those boys who doesn't love his bike. I mean, name one boy who doesn't love his bike. Especially if it's an Enfield. I'm not a boy, and I don't have a bike, but I love his Enfield. "It's just something that I've always had" he mutters. Idiotboy. Anyway, he can go fight revolutions inside his head, I'm just going to have me a little fun my Tom Joad.
And also have dalpuri with my Musicman while I'm at it.
Labels: a day in the life, boys