Sunday, November 05, 2006

Gin in the gin-soaked boy?

I don't get. I mean I do. But. I am not too passionate about too many things. Or maybe one thing, at one time. But very rarely two or three together. And, according to people, some people, I (now lessee here) " Have the same expression all the time", "Need to loosen up", "Think too much" and am "quite" (read:Q-U-I-E-T), "stiff", "weird" and oh yeah, not to forget the perrenial favourite "nice" - which doesn't really mean anything - except maybe that I "have the same expression all the time".
Honestly? I do care what people think. Mostly because I'm curious. I just want to KNOW. But WHAT they think is secondary. I like to lie back, put my feet up, cradle the phone next to my ear and go "Oh? Really? Is that what he/she thinks of me? Hmm..." Or just hear people out. I mean I've heard all kinds of crazy things. Good things as well (which we all know feels great, especially when you least expect it)...but but but...I wonder how close, or far they are from the truth. I mean, it's really weird, because nobody really knows what he or she is like. We judge ourselves from other people's points of view. It's not a sweeping statement. I know very few people who know what they are all about. They're usually much much older and live in the Himalayas or something.
I have my likes and dislikes. But then I'm not passionately in love or in hate with anything. I'm just ho-hum. Do ho-hum people go anywhere? Do they do anything? Other than be mistaken for a mosquito in a fly suit? Heh.


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