Saturday, April 21, 2007

Yeah, okay. So I fixed the blog problem. Life still sucks though. Exams on the fucken 23rd in the same old hell hole as last time. Anyway, I'll stop complaining, shit happens, such is life. Yada yada. One last whine - I have so much left to dooooo! Dammit!
Okay done.
Right. I have nothing to say really. Life is unbelievably dull. I'm just pushing limits. I know I have to study, but you know - one more this, one more that. I play spider solitaire with such ferocity, that I've started dreaming about it. And I feel the tension pounding at my temples in my sleep when I can't get it right. Fuck, I'm so losing it.
I wrote a poem - (sorry, cannot translate it)

Amar akta goru.
Tomar akta goru.
Aktar nam Poteto, onno jon Tometo.
Dujonei shoman -
Kintu akta holo khoiri, akta holo lal:
Etai toh jeebon bapu, etai toh jeebon.



Blogger Rudy Wellsand said...

WOW! Your April 11th blog tells me how you and EVERYONE is in a 'cussing' mood, spitting out all the filthy words they can; possibly to show 'How Close to God they really Are!'

God gave us each a Mouth to 'work' with Him, in bringing others in to the Saving Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. One wonders if you are a half-hearted person that may not know our Lord yet, and you are scheduled for a different Destiny!

If you DO think you KNOW HIM, is THAT the kind of language you will use on Him, for having 'saved' you?
You may be 'losing' many REWARDS in Heaven (if you EVER get there), for continuing to let the Devil control your mouth. What do YOU think? Want to change your Life around?


See the "CHOSEN"Code and "COLOR"Code; VISIT: !

Save or Print it to study.


12:57 AM  
Blogger Loony Libberswick of Llapland said...

I'm not sure if this is spam or not - but see, it's like this -
I cannot have someone thrusting their beliefs upon me, with all due to respect to the Bible or any other religious text.
I am not a religious person, and I write exactly what I feel. And what do I know - I'm a fallen creature - I speak the language I know - and I express what I feel compelled to express. I'm just too lazy to veil it with euphemisms. When I feel upto that kind of hypocrisy, I'll indulge in it surely. Thank you for your "inspiring" words. I hope you're not planning a virtual exorcism anytime soon.

2:36 AM  
Blogger Loony Libberswick of Llapland said...

oh, also feel free to ignore this blog if it offends you.
And just so that you know, those words in caps are totally freaking me out.

3:03 AM  
Blogger Battery Container said...

nice poem

10:31 AM  
Blogger Random Doodler said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

1:59 PM  
Blogger Random Doodler said...

I will translate what you wrote for the benefit of the universe. its too profound to be lost.

I have a cow
You have a cow
One is called Poteto, the other is Tometo.
Both are the same-
But one is brown, the other is red
Such is the life (Bapu?!-beyond translation), such is the life.

and what did u post on 11th april? I'm too lazy to scroll back. put up a link or something! :D

2:00 PM  
Blogger Vatsala said...


2:09 PM  
Blogger Sreikanth said...

did i tell ya i am dying to learn to learn bengali...???

2:51 PM  
Blogger Sreikanth said...

damn typos!

2:52 PM  
Blogger Liquifier said...

baah! Phataphati kobita!

3:45 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

I like this blog. Some Bengali for the person who wrote in

quita? What is it

Matisna - stop

Shundor - beautiful

I reckon that covers it in any language. All I know unfortunately

4:02 PM  
Blogger Bone said...

"quita" is probably kee eta, but how is "matisna" stop? (uhh... in the "bondho kor, marishna!" sense?)

4:55 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

I picked up a little Bengali from working in the East end of London and still work with Bangladeshi colleagues who tell me the vocab is essentially sound...

Just a suggestion.

4:58 PM  
Blogger Loony Libberswick of Llapland said...

sreicanth - great! This is a good way to begin :)

Sud - thank you :D I was feeling too lazy to translate - bapu = Oh Lord?

Ahana - *sigh* - if I remember correctly, our Bangla results were very, very similar.

Mark - tomar (your) comment khub(very) shundor :D

TBC - Matisna - as in mata mati korish na? unmad hosh na?

5:23 PM  
Blogger Loony Libberswick of Llapland said...

April 11th was this

5:25 PM  
Blogger Chamki said...

I read poem aloud to understand because i beleive all languages sprung from one. Need to speak.

goru is a tough word to figure.
and talking of spam last night I got 23 comments from a bot- all silly pictures of cats and things.

Etai toh jeebon bapu, etai toh jeebon!

7:07 PM  
Blogger Vatsala said...

Bapu= oh lord? ki ashchorjjo!

8:48 PM  
Blogger "The Captain" said...

interesting blog

3:53 AM  
Blogger DOOMED DOCTOR said...

good work...looks like bengali girls are really dominating the blogosphere....after reading so many blogs at random.....even i have become used to it by now!

3:32 PM  
Blogger Loony Libberswick of Llapland said...

Chamki - goru = cow - pronounced - "goe-roo". And I saw! Wtf is wrong with that person?! Etai toh jeebon yes.

V - oi arki.

Captain - really? Thanks :)

DD - Haha, sheesh. Bong girls and their blogs. Haha. Your blog reminds me of 'doctors'!

7:06 PM  

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