Tuesday, May 01, 2007

I feel less worried about copyright matters right now with this template.
Finished the honours papers. I feel quite sad though, looking at my books, all the photocopied notes and notebooks with hasty scribbles. I'll miss literature. Unless... well. I dunno. And as the picture clearly suggests - this is what I need. Haircut and goodbye to the caterpillar brows.

on second thought, the picture was scaring me too much. Not something I want to look at everytime I log in!


Blogger Bone said...

miss literature? what are you planning to study/do after this?

8:36 AM  
Blogger Random Doodler said...

i love the new template. i love it! icant get over it. i've been staring at it, like, for the past 10 minutes.

10:42 AM  
Blogger Loony Libberswick of Llapland said...

TBC - Well...there's a huge difference between wanting something, and actually doing it. If I had my way, it would be literature all the way...but that's another story altogether. And like I said...all doors are wide open.

Sud - heh, it's a little confusing for me - I dunno if it's the bulletin board I'm looking at or the computer screen :)

12:25 PM  
Blogger Vatsala said...

good stuff.I like the template and Aunty's hair"style".

10:20 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I got a hair cut!
From a friend who was chopping for the first time.
4 inches gone!


4:02 PM  
Blogger Loony Libberswick of Llapland said...

Vat - Oh god, the Aunty. That wasn't Aunty, that was London.

"Chamks" - (that sounds so funny!) summer! Good, we should all be going the Britney way I tellya.

6:12 PM  

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