Thursday, August 03, 2006

A spine is in order

Now Karu, Guds and I unanimously agreed that we all have one-third spines. Karu grew hers, Guds grew hers, and I am still left to do so. But I've been trying of late....really hard. There's just that much of bullshit that you can really take. I've always been weary of the blame game. It's the coward's way out really. So what you do, is direct all your anger, blame or whatever at yourself, and well...end up becoming this self-effacing fucked up thing. But I think that's got to stop. Sometimes, you're wrong. But not all the bloody time. I think it's time that, we all started being a little honest with ourselves. And accept that, certain things will never be what they were. Like there is that one empty room at home, and that's that, no two ways about it. Or that your side-profile sucks, boo-hoo, too bad. Or that you have changed, and you cannot help it if the persons closest to you do not notice it....or notice it too much.